She was an amazing woman and I pray that Allah blesses her in every possible way. May He give you patience. You have been a great friend of mine. Im sorry this is late but I hope you can understand. Now you can focus on leaving a legacy instead of a mess. Celebrate a life well-lived with a beautiful memorial website. Its one thing to respond in a word or two and completely different to avoid response altogether. For specific wording ideas for responding in person, via email, with a card and even on Facebook keep reading. In the end,its completely understandable if you take time to respond or if your responses arent as articulate as they would beundernormalcircumstances. Tip: If you find yourself inundated and overwhelmed by sympathy messages and phone calls following your loss, creating an online memorial page may help. May Allah grant her Jannat-ul-Firdaus, Ameen. "It's hard to say goodbye to someone who had such a big impact on our lives.". Close friends and extended family members want to be able to help, but they may not know what to do. May Allah enhance your recompense on this loss. Use your own judgment when you feel the conversation has run its course. A simple message of thanks to whoever has sent/posted some kind words of sympathy is fairly quick and simple. Sharing a memory of the person whos died and inviting the person offering sympathy to do the same can also help create connection and perhaps even help make things less awkward. Be generous on this calamity of yours. Thank you.". You could choose to do it by card, in person or even over text the choice is yours. Whether its someone to help with funeral arrangements or just someone to talk to, reach out to your network of family and friends. However, if you feel you want to express your gratitude in a way that goes beyond using kind words, here are some ideas. my prayers are with you and your children in this difficult time. 3. We appreciate it enormously, I am very grateful for your prayers and thoughts, Thank you for your message of sympathy and your ongoing support. If youve got the time (and energy) to continue the conversation, a wonderful way to respond to condolences is,Thank you for remembering and being comfortable talking about him.. But I know Allah is here for you. Sending you warm sympathies after the loss of your aunt/uncle. Your closest friends and family may surround you with love and affection during this difficult time. When in-person, it can be difficult to put words together when your head isntexactly clearyet you dont want to come off as rude either. People can be overlyassertiveabout what you need to do in your time of grief. A card that has just the right picture and tender words to match. My sincere condolence. First of all, you being a Christian you're going to stand up for Truth no matter what. If I could, I would take away your pain. Say a prayer similar to that reported by Muslim to have been articulated by Messenger (PBUH) to Umm Salamah (RA) at the death of her husband: 'O Allah, forgive Abi Salamah, elevate . Their hearts carry an irremediable pain and they need people to share their loss. Surely we belong to Allah, and to Him shall we return. Albania dispatched 88 medical personnel, search and rescue . And dont worry about saying the wrong thingthe important thing is that youre there for the person in their time of need. If so, you already know that theres very little anyone can say or do to make you feel better. The most important thing to remember when you have lost someone you care about is that itsperfectlyacceptable not to say anything at all. One of the most challenging aspects of communicating in a professional capacity is responding to condolences. How to Respond to Im Sorry for your Loss? You may be an immediate family member of the deceased but others who send you messages may be in mourning, too. Im not in a place to share right now. This allows you to be respectful yet hold fast to your boundaries. Condolences are messages of love and support when someone has experienced a loss. My deepest sympathies on his death. I'm so sorry for your loss. They come in many forms: Condolences work well when theydontask the person to feel different and just recognize the loss. Condolence Messages for Colleagues & Coworkers, Christian Condolence Messages - Religious Words of Sympathy, Condolence and Sympathy Messages To a Friend, 60+ Condolence Messages on Death of Brother. Responding to Im Sorry for Your Loss in Person, 4. I dont know how to console you. You are in my . Soit might be an option to have some pre-thought-out responses. My heartiest sympathy for you and your family. Additionally, if you arent up to talking, it removes the need for this. Wish for the best. Ask for help from Allah, and He will never let you down. So, what do we do? Kind and empathetic people will understand that you are grieving and are likely notyour normal self. For instance, to a close friend of the deceased, you can share a particular old story you heard about the both of them:Uncle told me about the time you. May Allah(SWT) grants your father Jannat-ul-Firdaus. There are only so many different ways to say thank you, which eventually becomes redundant. No one enjoys going to funeral services, so thank the people who do attend. He will judge the right. You may not agree with this trend, but its the reality of modern life. Many of us struggle to respond to condolences for various reasons. Suppose, for example, you are at a funeral. Before you send one, best perhaps to put yourself in the shoes of the bereft and ask yourself, If I were grieving, what kind of condolence would give me the most comfort?, Licensed Clinical Social Worker | Certified Life Coach. In this example, your dad may not have ever told someone directly that he thought highly of them even though it was true. We know that some of you have difficulty focusing on your personal life when theres so much to do at work. Share the service details with your friends or family members as soon as you can. Respond, Thanks. You dont have to explain the situation. This link will open in a new window. I am so grateful, Knowing friends were thinking of me was a real help when I was feeling low. With that in mind, here are responses on how to respond to condolences: Let them know their condolences are greatly appreciated. May Allah provide your father a place in Jannah and give you and your family courage and solace during this challenging period. But its okay to let your guard down and be emotional with the people closest to you. Instead, simply thank them for their kind words and let them know their support is appreciated. I know that he/she is in a better place now.. Tell stories even if they make people laugh. In dealing with your grief, you may also find yourself fielding condolences from friends, family, and even strangers. Should we share about our grief? In the time of loss and sadness, may Allah gives you the patience to bear the loss. Grief and Loss Expert | Founder,Grief| Author,Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief. If someone sent a sympathy card paired with flowers, respond with one of these message ideas below. May Allah(SWT) enlights the grave of him. Let the Almighty Allah take care of the departed. Over the years, I have attended many funerals and celebrations of life, most recently for my Dad in October 2018. I pray to Allah Ta'ala to grant us all the fortitude to accept His will and the ability to prepare for the after life, that we be reunited with our loves ones in peace and security. In most instances, a simple thank you to kind words and messages would suffice. Related: 10 Best Books on Understanding Death and Dying. Its amazing to see how much my friends care, and that I have them to rely on when times are tough. Although this isn't possible, acknowledging it by saying, "I'm sorry I can't make things better", "I'm sorry it's so hard for you", or "I'm sorry things are so tough right now" can help them feel heard and supported. He passed away early in the morning on April 28, 2023. The loss is so irreparable, but you must keep your faith in Him. Ameen. This is another quick and simple way to show appreciation for the condolences. The short thank you allows you to express gratitude yet not put yourself in a vulnerable position. Dont worry. Please accept my most sincere condolences to both you and your family. Recall the good memories and hold on to the love that your mother has left behind. Everything should be on the table, from cleaning your toilet and mopping your floors to walking your dogs and taking your kids to school to financial help. There isnoexpiry date to give or receive condolences, and it can be encouraging to someone offering sympathy to know their sentiments are welcome at any time. I wish there was something I could say to ease your pain. Sending my prayers, stay strong. 1. While it can betemptingto brush off well-meaning condolences, its important to remember that they are given to providecomfort. As the almighty Allah has already said, every living being will experience the taste of death. May the Almighty grant you sabar in this tough time and helps you to bear the loss. Condolences after a loss of any kind are something very sensitive. Youdontwant to get mired down in condolences unless you have that closeness with the person. Everyone's different. My prayer is always with you and your dear one whom you lost. Though little may be known about the deceased, the sympathy is based upon the relationship shared with the client. It neednt be anything too wordy but perhaps a few more words than a standard thank you. When in doubt, its always best to err on the side of being too emotional rather thannotemotional enough. Behavioral Analyst | Founder and Owner, I Peep BXS. If you just dont feel ready or capable then dont. You are in mourning, and you need to do what makes you feel most comfortable. Its understandable to want to avoid too much small talk or being reminded of your loss. We have compiled Islamic condolence messages and wording ideas for you to send your condolence. All my best as you grieve this loss. Another reason we struggle to respond to condolences is because we do not know how to show our gratitude through our words. 4. May your father rest in peace in Jannah. But you shouldnt feel pressured to do so. Some of your friends or acquaintances wont know what to say. Finally, you may also be struggling to respond to someones Im sorry for your loss because you have nothing to say. My heartiest sympathy goes to you and your family. "Please accept my condolences on the death of your father. Whether thats in a sympathy card, at a funeral or what to say to a loved one after a loss, we aim to provide you with everything you need to make something many of us find so difficult much simpler. But to point that out to everyone will not serve you. What to Say and What Not to Say to Someone Who Is Grieving, 10 Best Books on Understanding Death and Dying, A handwritten note gets a handwritten note. They might have even searched what to say when someone dies before typing their message or calling you on the phone. But if you would like to say something then try the examples below of how to reply in person and choose a few to learn so that youre prepared when meeting someone face to face. Dont feel like you need to put a positive spin on everything you do. Every five times I sit for namaaz, I remember [the person who is dead] and pray for him/her in my prayers. We were touched by the outpouring of support, Your kindness during such a time of pain didnt go unnoticed. Know my thoughts are with you, friend. May Allah save her from the graves torture and reduce all her sins. He will help you one way or another. We cannot give you customized advice on your situation or needs, which would require the service Some common responses are that can help you in a bind: The death of someone close to you can be a tough experience to fight through. , Instagram, or any other account you may have. "We may mourn your loss but we celebrate your life.". One of the most common, polite, and brief responses to being offered condolences is, thank you. This can be particularly useful if youreunsureabout how to respond or not in a position to offer much dialogue. Please accept my condolences." "You and your whole family are in my thoughts." "May loving memories of your [mother/father] help you find peace." "Thinking of you and wishing you strength and comfort." "Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this sorrowful time." Take my heart and pray to Rahmanir Rahim. Secondly, we may receive condolences from people we donothave a personal relationship with or people we do not like discussing our feelings with. Remember that everyone grieves differently and at their own pace, so be patient and understanding. advice. It means the world to me knowing all my friends are there if I need them, The support of those closet to us has really been a help in getting through such a tough time. I know your aunt/uncle was always there for you. Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiun. As someone grieving, it is okay to take your time and send a message later. If youarentup to the task of replying to condolence, its okay. Your destiny is sealed when you were born on the ground. Hawzah News Agency- Shia source of emulation Grand Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi issued a message expressing his condolences on the martyrdom of Ayatollah Abbas Ali Soleimani, the text of which is as follows:. Every pleasant memory you remember will help you understand that life has bothgoodandbaddays, and thegooddays that areworthfighting for. The best I could respond to any of the in-person condolences was a simple: And perhaps that is the best way to respond to condolences: a simple acknowledgment of someone elses compassion toward your loss, even when their words might not be the most appropriate. Your prayers and comforting words were greatly appreciated and I hope we will see each other see under better circumstances. Encourage the person to express their feelings and emotions in a way that feels safe and comfortable for them, and offer support and comfort as needed. Thinking of you during this difficult time. After youve lost someone there will come a point where you will come face to face with people who will offer their condolences. May Allah make him pass all the stages of the life Akhirah. Try these quick and short thank you messages for condolences: Thank you for thinking of me. In our modern world of social media posts of thoughts and prayers, this is a moment for us to show up for people personally. Your dua may help him/her on this eternal slumber. If you can do it and it isnt too much hassle then it will certainly be appreciated, Not replying or responding is acceptable. Try to findsincerityin peoples words during times of grief, and when you do feel better, thank your friends and loved ones for supporting you during trying times.